I think the issue is moreso that few in this world have ever learned to think for themselves. They've been led to believe in a higher authority, which is not divine, as determining their truth.
Losing that, they would have to face the real world, all at once, or disappear into themselves / blackness.
If everything were exposed and their media were taken down in one fell swoop, they would have no way to determine what is truth again. Their options: follow someone similar to the previous (more cabal), or isolate / depression / aggression. A reversion to primal.
The great awakening is for everybody.
Still... awakened "how much" is a variable, but acceptable spectrum. It will be up to each individual how much to know.
This leads into the first part of your second section.
What is not acceptable is people unawakenable through shock, which then spreads through society with confusion and panic.
Cannot likely hit 100%, some are too far gone, some of those are engrained too deeply within the system.
Shooting for maximum effect.