thumbnail of POTUS_anon zero delta proof.png
thumbnail of POTUS_anon zero delta proof.png
POTUS_anon zero delta... png
(509.08 KB, 1826x818)
 >>/11163/ (zero delta)
okay, anons
lets try this one more time
how about:

A zero delta between:

POTUS tweet
anon(triped) proof of POTUS/end zero delta

I totally agree that a zero delta with a completely random anon post; 
even if spoopytext that "connects" with content of tweet
is not really "go tell the world" levels of comms proof 
and really, we arnt even close to there yet, this would just be a tip of the hat to (us)
what about a zero delta POTUS twt WITH a zero delta "proof" anon post
that is at least one notch higher?
pic related

(EST 10:27 PM)
(EST 10:27 PM)
