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anon potus has been hitting us with 0 deltas for about 2 days now. this is nothing new

he even confirmed the other anon in referenced to who he is talking about. thus both anons in the convo have a 0 potus delta 

so one 0 delta for proof

one 0 delta for no proof

so yeah at this point all seems to be noise, but spooooopy shit seems to be going on around here since day 1

image related - posted to first bread made by bo

and now to top it all off we got this post

Anonymous 10/07/2019 (Mon) 17:44:17 [Preview] No. 11555 
\o/ esplaine dat shit mon??

check out the timestamp and the post id

fucker is afoot anon, i can smell it in the air *sniffs around*