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Actual soldiers are against war. Others like to beat chests and bang podiums, others still are more honest that it affects their stawks.
It has been somewhat easy to manipulate the American public because the historic lock on media (gatekeeping). That has changed and those who never before had access to real information can educate themselves. Many do and are horrified and -rightly, justifiably- outraged at how we've been deceived. Many of those now are finding their own voice, and not just their voice online (making comments, blog posts), but IRL as well - see the swamping Pocahontas got from Patriots last week.
The 'outrage culture' is like actual faggotry and degeneracy - it is a dead end. Its inevitable that it will destroy itself, like burning out the adrenaline glands (that's a real health issue). It has to be ever-whipped into a new frenzy, but those frenzied are coming more and more unglued and less and less able to navigate adult life - real life. They are burning themselves out at useful idiots, and we know what is done with useful idiots once the glorious revolution occurs. I'm not suggesting they will be lined up and executed like their vaunted Bolshevik forebears, but attention, coddling and help will be totally withdrawn as they are pointed to a suicidal mission. They must die, or they become increasing liability to those who they truly, but unknowingly serve.