part 2

 >>/10678/ baker chimes in
 >>/10684/ Breaking: Nancy Pelosi's son and his partners involved with organization who wikileaks claims is a front organization. Pelosi & partners running fake businesses.
 >>/10689/  >>/10690/  >>/10691/ Imgur Pelosi
 >>/10694/ Dough Updated https://pastebin.com/q46CVWps >add to dough
 >>/10744/  >>/10754/ Why Romney and Brennan are so Loud
 >>/10750/ Reminder no one can change the dough but BO (and BVs)
 >>/10787/ baker been hanging with Q too long. (alt Q in the kitchen kek)
 >>/10799/ more baker chiming in
 >>/10801/ freedom filter is lifted (confirmed)
 >>/10807/ https://wikileaks.org/car-mining/
 >>/10813/ Baker Tidies Baking Notes >add to dough
 >>/10815/ More Collected Notables 10216 - 10744
 >>/10832/ Anons Q Proof Potus 2 hour Delta
 >>/10835/ notables bun
 >>/10848/ Cyclones at Jupiter's North Pole.
 >>/10850/ hong-kong-atms-run-out-cash-central-bank-steps-prevent-panic-among-public
 >>/10854/ Swordanon chimes in
 >>/10859/ Codemonkey almost ready (whos going to setup our new board takers?)
 >>/10864/ World on fire: 13 major protests happening around the globe right now
 >>/10865/ Publisher of the Q book dies after being poisoned in Mexico. (Prayers)
 >>/10869/ So why did Romney want to shut down any investigation of Ukraine’s role as well? BOOM
 >>/10875/ Schiff & Ukraine
 >>/10882/ Nancy Pelosi’s Son Also Has Business Connections With Ukraine.
 >>/10887/ Voat dig on Pelosi
 >>/10894/ until Q authenticates another source for direct messaging, we only have a CM (exc_?)
 >>/10904/  >>/10906/  >>/10908/  >>/10909/ New Potus twat with ++ in it.
 >>/10914/ adam-schiffs-collusion-with-oligarch-ukrainian-arms-dealer-exposed/
 >>/10916/ reminder - Mitt Romney connected to a Rothschild associated rape slave fund in 2012
 >>/10925/ CDAN blind reveal about Naomi Campbell's involvement with Epstein
 >>/10928/  >>/10937/ Baker Call for Note takers (BV needs Bakers)
 >>/10948/ DOJ IG Report on FISA Abuse to be Released in Two Weeks
 >>/10950/ Judge orders White House to preserve records of Trump's dealings with foreign leaders
 >>/10952/  >>/10959/  >>/10960/  >>/10961/ How To Report >add to dough
 >>/10956/ Epstein Accuser Holds Victoria's Secret Boss Les Wexner "Responsible For What Happened To Me"
 >>/10964/ Prosecutors urge judge to reject ‘fishing expedition’ by Flynn’s defense
 >>/10975/ Reminder How to beat "Them"
 >>/10999/ PlaneFag Report crash in Kokomo, In.
 >>/11007/ anon doxing endchan
 >>/11011/ Another Potus Anon 2 hour delta
 >>/11014/ BV Notes >add to dough