MASSIVE satanic Ceremony 10-18-2019 : Disney Global Premier: Maleficent : Mistress of Evil : Starring Angelina Jole : Must Read... (GreatAwakening)
submitted 1.9 hours ago by xxxxxxxxxxx
October 13, 2019 is a high satanic holiday and FULL MOON
October 18,2019 is MASSIVE satanic ceremony WORLDWIDE.
The Release a of Disney (666 in logo , the D, the I and the Y ) Movie in over 2,000 Theaters Globally :
Maleficent : Mistress of Evil
Staring Angelina Jole , Male-ficent high stanic priestess. Born a boy, raised a girl without her consent given hormones, surgery and MK Hollywood Treatment. Also has a Male Twin. Think Cain & Able.
This is the largest coordinated satanic ceremony of the year. All movie attendees are involved (Like it or not) as are all of the satanic community.
Any cooincedence the High Alerts were issued by POTUS via the Marines and this combined with the JOKER Release ?
NONE, the Aurora Coloroda shooting by the Joker character , And Maleficent has a main character named Aurora. Its how they do it.
SRA Preparations-
Oct 13 - 31 : Preparation for all Hallows Eve, Samhain (Halloween) =
Abduction, holding and ceremonial preparation of individual for human sacrifice
(13 -Backward Halloween Date) Also FULL MOON on 10-13-2019
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[–] xxxxxxxxxxxxx 2 points (+2|-0) 54 minutes ago
Don’t tell me what I must read, bitch
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[–] xxxxxxxxxxx [S] 4.1 minutes ago
Please don't call me a 'bitch'. And I wasn't addressing you anyway. Don't flatter yourself.
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[–] xxxxxxxx -1 points (+0|-1) 35 minutes ago
Oh for fucks sake... It's a movie.. get over yourself.
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[–] xxxxxxxxxxx [S] 6 minutes ago
Its not about me. Its about satan, satans army and what they are trying to and are going to do to you as well as all of us. As always thanks for stopping by with your brilliant commentary. Don't worry, it will sink in eventually. If you knew me, you would never think I would ever wind up even spending a minute trying to share with people, let alone a 'Q' movement. But it just so happened that long before this movement started , I began to wake up, it took a looong time. But it happened, and your clarity only becomes more intense and accurate. So you might have time for it, you know , to wake up. Or you may not. So far, it looks like you have about week. Good Luck.
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