This about sums it up:
Congressional representatives should go on record regarding demanding an inquiry. If no inquiry is voted on what is to stop every next Congress from starting an automatic Impeachment Inquiry against every elected President the day after he is inaugurated? The effect would be to negate the Executive Branch altogether as he spends his entire term trying to prove his legitimacy just as Trump has spend his entire term so far trying to assert his legitimacy.
A crime or at least suspicion of a crime must be determined and voted on before an investigation into the crime takes place. And member of Congress must go on record that they believe a violation by the President has taken place.
Put personally - how would you like it if you were arrested and hauled into court each day and questioned while the authorities looked for a crime they could possibly think of to charge you with? Every day you are asked to present papers pertaining to your life. Every day anyone who knows you or who has interacted with you is required to testify and provide any copies of any email records or text messages that they have received from you, while the court desperately looked for something, anything you had done wrong?
That is guilty till proven innocent and not how our system of justice is supposed to work. You are supposed to be investigated and tried ONLY when there is some strong evidence that you have committed a crime and you have the legal chance to argue your case.