I'm the baker yr addressing.
I raised some questions but I'm not sure I know the answers, need some digging maybe--also, any lawfags around to opine on the best way to respond to threats of violence from a legal perspective?
Also, different posts may demand different responses. You can see what the BO/BV policy on /pol/ is; maybe take a look and see what other boards do, too. Start by reflecting, investigating, talking. Big issue.
Yes--banning sounds good but you have to be careful, espec. on a board like this. Think of QR, those of you who have hung out there. It's important to start thinking of how to handle threats--or any other issue--and bring this issue up with BO, and maybe others about what you think and why. Not a simple yes/no or vote/no vote scenario, imo.
Myself, I will do lots of prayer for insight into things like this that are not clear, at least not clear enough. When 8kun.net comes online, I'll approach BO 8BIT and ask what he thinks about this, he's been around a long time and I trust him. Maybe very soon in coming? Hope so.