[x] = not replying to a pepe

 >>/12796/ Thank you for confirms. [x]
 >>/12806/  >>/12812/  >>/12857/  >>/12948/  >>/12950/  >>/13163/

 >>/12803/ LB [x]

 >>/12803/ Coincidence? [ >>/12804/]

 >>/12805/ Everyone good? [x]
 >>/12807/  >>/12809/  >>/12811/  >>/12814/  >>/12954/

 >>/12806/ thank you Sir [ >>/12796/]
 >>/12808/  >>/12810/

 >>/12807/ yessir, o7. yourself? [ >>/12805/]

 >>/12808/ o7 [ >>/12806/]

 >>/12809/ Excellent. o7 [ >>/12805/]

 >>/12811/ Sleeping comfy.[ >>/12807/] && o7 [ >>/12805/]

 >>/12812/ if POTUS was listening, what would Anons tell POTUS? [ >>/12796/]

 >>/12824/ Patriots are selfless. [x]

 >>/12837/ POTUS on the line, what would you tell him, what would you ask? [x]
 >>/12838/  >>/12842/  >>/12847/  >>/12849/  >>/12856/  >>/12861/  >>/12970/  >>/13008/  >>/13128/  >>/13133/  >>/13163/

 >>/12839/ I would ask POTUS to continue to watch out for Anons and their Fams. [x]

 >>/12842/ seriously anon what to tell potus??? [ >>/12837/]

 >>/12844/ I would ask POTUS to give us the insight we need to help people overcome [x]

 >>/12847/ fair markets, fair monetary system, fair media. [ >>/12837/]

 >>/12848/ If POTUS asked for meme(s), which would you show him?

 >>/12849/ GOD BLESS POTUS [ >>/12837/]

 >>/12856/ What are some of your ideas/hopes? [ >>/12837/]
 >>/12859/  >>/13131/

 >>/12862/ Is America GREAT? [x]

 >>/12879/ Welcome ALL, don't mind the shills.

 >>/12882/ The more we have digging, memeing, PRAYing, the sooner we win 
 >>/12889/  >>/12902/

 >>/12883/ We are going to need a major transition in the world.
 >>/12890/  >>/12892/  >>/12917/  >>/13202/  >>/13205/  >>/13207/

 >>/12888/ idk about you, but i have no time for shills.
 >>/12891/  >>/12905/

 >>/12891/ Thank you POTUS. [ >>/12888/]

 >>/12892/ imagine that Jesus is Enroute... [ >>/12883/]