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If we could discover the ‘new’ source geometry for this 4th density reality we have ascended into, we would hold a tremendous power in our hands. We would have that which is our right by birth; sovereignty over the reality we inhabit. With great power, would come great responsibility.

So, I asked myself what it might possibly be?

And then I went to sleep.

When I awoke the next day, it came to me in a flash. Eight circles around the holy 9th. I could see it in my head, but I had to get it down on paper and look at it.
Where to start?

Copy Metatron’s Cube

And so; I did.

The geometrical form I constructed that morning is what you see on the cover of this document. It is the next step UP in the sequence. The ‘base’ form consists of eight circles around a central 9th. It is further extended with another ring of eight circles (exactly like Metatron’s Cube) to form what I am going to call ‘Metatron’s Octahedron’. Sixteen circles around the holy 17th. Thus, this form resonates strongly and uniquely with the Q movement. No coincidences.

Exactly like Metatron’s Cube, Metatron’s Octahedron also contains a 2d representation of all five ‘Platonic Solids’.


From a new perspective.

Welcome to 4D frens