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SSCI revives fake "muh Russia" 2016 election story from 2018
Report issued yesterday supports "muh Russia" hoax. No big surprise bc this Senate sub-cmte on intelligence has been promoting this story all along. Relates directly to a huge digg we did based on Q#2635 last Dec - Feb.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 47ea0a No.4393450๐
Dec 20 2018 13:33:09 (EST)๐
The [D] party will cease to exist once it's all exposed.
FAKE NEWS can no longer control [dampen] public awareness of the TRUTH.
Here Q gives us a lead to the story behind DNC interference in the Alabama Senate Race in 2017. The Q drop came out just a couple of days after the Senate Select Cmte on Intelligence (SSCI) released two phony reports on the role of Russia in the 2016 election. Unfortunately for the cmte, one of the gps involved--New Knowledge--was found a couple days later to have meddled bigly in the 2017 Alabama Senate Race, which ruined the SSCI's efforts to promote this muh Russia narrative. (Never found out who leaked this info, tho--NO news outlet asked the question!)
There 's so much here i can even begin to do it justice. The new WAPO article on the report is a masterpiece of half-truths and vague allegations, the report itself is so redacted it's almost useless. But based on previous evidence, this is a completely bogus document.
There's lots moar info on SSCI involvement in putting forth fake info on the 2016 election. This is a GREAT dig with much still to uncover. If interested, start by retrieving the timeline below and see the attached post from last Jan. Also search in on New Knowledge, Jonothan Morgan, TDIP, or German Marshall Fund. Anons have compiled tons of info. Tag me if you're interested, this is an ongoing dig.
Timeline of digg that showed us the role of the Senate Intel Cmte available here in "muh Russia" hoax here in
#4913840 at 2019-01-26 10:14:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #6273: USE A STEALTH BOMBER Edition
Alabama Election Meddling timeline 3.0
CAPP shows one of the charts we developed on the disinfo network associated with "muh russia"