Here's a little history of open source stuff on Biden's history in Romania since 2009. Happy digging.
An Initial Look at Biden's Romanian Connections
1. Trump’s Demands for Investigations of Opponents Draw Intensifying Criticism
"In addition to his work in Ukraine for the energy company Burisma, Hunter Biden advised a Romanian businessman with ties to the United States, Gabriel Popoviciu, whose real estate dealings had come under investigation, according to people familiar with the arrangement, which has not been previously reported. The investigation, which came as the United States and its allies were pushing Romania to clamp down on corruption, led to Mr. Popoviciu’s conviction and a prison sentence..."
2. What are Joe Biden’s dealings in Romania, invoked by Donald Trump’s lawyer?
Quotes the NYT article, then says this:
"However, there is no evidence so far that Hunter Biden tried to leverage his father's influence to help Popoviciu or any other wrongdoing...."
3. Trump’s concern about ‘corruption’ in Ukraine is highly selective and remarkably convenient
"Last month, Trump referred to Romania’s “tremendous corruption problem,” but only after being asked about it and saying the Romanian president (who was sitting next to him) was the right man to tackle it...." https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/09/30/trumps-highly-selective-concern-about-corruption-ukraine/
4. EXCLUSIVE The Romanian extension of Ukrainegate, the scandal for which the Democrats want to impeach Trump. The connections between Hunter Biden, the son of the former US Vice President, with the fugitive Puiu Popoviciu
[more detailed info on Popoviciu--this is a Romanian source]
5. Kenneth P. Vogel tweet from last spring:
"Romanian media reported in 2017 HUNTER BIDEN tried to help the embattled real estate mogul (who had just been convicted of corruption), including by making his case before Congress. No details in report, but Biden hasn't been registered to lobby since '08." http://mobile.hotnews.ro/stire/21936402
6. Biden arrives in Romania, pledges U.S. backing over Ukraine
May 2014
"Reassures" Romania about American backing in Russian confrontation over Ukraine.
7. Romanian President Klaus Iohannis met with the U.S. Vice President Joe Biden
Date: 09/28/15
Location: White House
8. Biden thanks Romania for support for new missile defense system
"US Vice President Joe Biden spent the second leg of his three-day trip to Eastern Europe in Bucharest, and announced that the Romanian government also supported the new US missile defence system...."