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> If POTUS was listening What Would You Say

1. Thank you for everything. Hard to put into words. Glad you and Q came to us. I want these pricks dead and locked up too.

2. Kill the shills, sir. Figuratively or literally. Scotched earth. With extreme prejudice. Extra-judically with a small side of judicially. They are foreign state actors at times, so it isn't like we can do it at our level. At this point, I would appreciate some tactical nukes set off in their offices. I don't like the idea of david brock being alive and having his peons posting along side us. It would also be one hell of a Q proof too as it would radically unfuck the chans being hit with information warfare to help the black hats and deep state.

3. Bring back 8chan. Goddamn Jim, his stupid rebranding, and his damned incompetence and new "safety tools". Fuck 8kunt, tbh. We need PATRIOTS owning these types of image boards. Jim in my opinion, is too incompetent though (if he had legit help from the US military that may be something that could be unfucked.)

4. Get the Gold Treaty initiated and Michael Cotrell punching in the codes. I got VND, ZIM, and I'd like to buy a pro-Q/POTUS image board chan. So I'd like a damn good contract rate too!

5. Start the arrests. Let's get this party started. Red October these fuckers!