Lurkeranon blues...This Kurds/Syria/Turkey situation and how its being portrayed is fucking frustrating...so much of what you anons found a year ago is just now coming to light..how can they get away with this coup..where are the military heads who back our POTUS...why aren't any of these treasonous assholes getting arrested..forced to resign....anything.   I know I have to just be patient..but tonight I feel For DJT..the shit they has been thrown his way just seems so unfair...I went all out, back him up on social media...I donate..I fight with assholes and bombard them with facts...I get called a troll and all other kinds of names...I don't know one person in real life who hates this President the way it is portrayed on the Fake news...no one, I know people who love or are not crazy about him but they do not hate him or speak of him as vilely as they do on our TV screens...its just like alternate reality...sorry for the rant...you are all my heroes, at least I can lurk here and read some truth....WWG1WGA
Missing Q atm