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[They] are surely in desperation mode, like a wild animal backed into a corner. But it's helpful to re-read drops when things look bad.
"Patriots, rest assured we are in control. Sit back and enjoy the show.  We hear all Americans such as yourself. Rest assured POTUS is backed by the absolute finest people alive...  Patriots are in control. Rest assured JUSTICE will be served."

Remember that Syria is a secondary location for the clown/FVEY nuke ops in Iran, and this is all connected to U1 and Declas. Re-Read #1306.
> What if U1 material ended up in Syria?
> POTUS deCLAS Syria/Iran + U1 connection.

Trump's tweet an hour ago
reminds me of Q 617 & 618:
> How do we truly protect those important to us?
> [19] immediates [no longer with us].
> Self-suicide if actioned.
> [19] would cease to exist immediately upon the harm of select individuals.
> Think nuclear stand-off.