So, here's what I got so far. As always, throw out what you don't like.
However, probably won't be collectng any more tonight. I'll likely fall asleep quite soon ....
Anons, please holler if something's amiss
Midbread Notables #9431
>>/13324/ Cracks emerging in Democrats' unity to conduct impeachment inquiry w/o vote
>>/13328/, >>/13386/, >>/13392/, >>/13395/ DIA worker Henry Kyle Frese busted for leaking secrets to journalists
>>/13330/ Anti-Trump Whistleblower Attorney worked directly for Clapper
>>/13367/ Weinstein leveraging his Clinton connection to kill Ronan Farrow’s Story
>>/13371/ Entire text of the Trump-Zelensky whistleblower memo (via CBS)
>>/13373/ Former US Amb. to the Ukraine, Bill Taylor involved in whstleblower hoax?
>>/13382/, >>/13384/ Burisma paid Joe Biden $900,000 for lobbying
>>/13414/, >>/13487/ Planned Parenthood to spend $45 million backing candidates supporting abortion
>>/13426/ ODNI refusing to release Dan Coats' internal memo re. whistleblower complaint
>>/13431/ For Keks: The Crooked One (HRC) to POTUS: "Don't tempt me" (to run in 2020)
>>/13436/ Moar Defendants named in Araoz vs. Ghislaine Maxwell suit (also: news re. Brunel)
>>/13439/ The Emperor's New Clothes: Anon's thoughts on internet & availability of information
>>/13453/, >>/13668/ What's up w/ the Public Safety Power Shutoff in CA?
>>/13461/ Social Media FAQ for Anons
>>/13473/ Anon pondering on The Madness of Crowds & the Maladies of our Culture.
>>/13499/ Possible meaning of POTUS tweeting "Will have 182 soon"?
>>/13508/, >>/13719/ @CarrollQuigley Ukraine, NBA, Bill Bradley, Bill Taylor, and moar dig
>>/13517/, >>/13529/, >>/13535/, >>/13563/ POTUS tweets clip "We Will Rock You" also showing the Q-Baby
>>/13522/, >>/13525/, >>/13726/ Ukraine Scandal Explained - Biden, Soros, DNC collusion (by Glen Beck)
>>/13540/ Collection of Key Points of last night's convo
>>/13564/ The Bidens: A Family of Crime - A small collection of their infamosity
>>/13570/ Guiliani on Hannity: "Next for Joe Biden - Watch Romania!"
>>/13621/ An Initial Look at Biden's Romanian Connections