i use to type about finding the next great Anons
i think we found a couple of those
thankful to ones before, who taught us
this work together is rare
the beginning of something greater
the Flippening, a sign
practice 'volley' together once in awhile
stumbly and frustrating at first
in fact, i've never seen it done
it's what we've been working for
WarRoom1 never imagined the Flippening
that was years ago
that's how long it takes
that's why i know, the moar helping, sooner
you would think future sight is a cool thing, eh
it jus makes the wait longer and the mistakes magnified, kek
being able to shuffle into one deck of cards, align perfectly for most effective counters
deal the cards, no tells, 'grind it out' vs fearless play
ds, i can see your tells, Q can hear you breath
Anons pacing Cats waiting for GOOD direction
POTUS Unite-US looking deep into the END zone for updates and Notables.
People love their Notables.
Anons are thanked WW.