Where does Chuck fit?

Not much other to research other than following the course and spreading light.
Most is under wraps.
Some JS and RG have already traced for you. Review.

Big inroads right now into leftist camps with the whole "American" companies bowing before and kissing China's feet.
They are honestly bothered heavily by this, and it's a crack into the realities of the socialism and elitist rule they have blindly supported.
I would suggest best effort is focusing on this.
Find instances where the folks they look to for truth conflict with the core spark of freedom that lay dormant inside.
See LaBron James meme  >>/13842/
Try not to be reactionary, but use your power to force these "heroes" to expose themselves. That is the alarm clock bell which will make information receptive.
Got plenty of memers in reactionary explanation mode... but need people to crack the iron curtain and allow the shone light to be seen.
One step at a time.

GOD bless, anons!