thumbnail of Screenshot_2019-09-03 Jeffrey Epstein's St Thomas Network, Comms, And An Elite School coreysdigs com.png
thumbnail of Screenshot_2019-09-03 Jeffrey Epstein's St Thomas Network, Comms, And An Elite School coreysdigs com.png
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Maine’s Senator Angus King owns property in St. Thomas. Cohen was alleged to be involved in a pedo issue in the 90s. A man disappeared over a brownstone file on Cohen ( . Maine has its own Maine community foundation. I did an open source dig and found the form 990s suspect (money laundering?). It was set up by Peter Hunt (Chicago Area Projects). He has digs on ME coast. King is connected through his boston lawyer brother-in-law Tom Hermon to FMR Corp, who made him an overnight millionaire, FMR set up COLT-City of London Telecommunications (cyber/security of City of L- connected to Rothshilds). King and Cohen, along with Sen S. Collins (bloodline family) have been running Maine with Sussman and their complete spider web through the foundations