> Looks like meme fodder to me!
> Load up the meme bombers!
Need confirmation FIRST
It does us and POTUS no good whatsoever to just jump on anything posted.
Not really. Some people are smart and aware enough to know that anyone can post anything on the internet. How many larps have you seen on the chans? How many fake documents have you seen?
> Says at the top of a few where they are from.
That's not actual sauce.
The font is not correct for govt documents, for one thing.... there are no headers of footers
Where is OP get these? Just hanging around on a Russian site (but can't read Russian or tell us directly what the watermark means?)
Anons on right track, finding lots of good stuff in actual digs and digs from elsewhere
Anons making memes that are getting traction
Situation blowing up in Ds face
> wat do?
> post some scans of badly faked document to throw anons off the right track
> hahahwegottemnow.jpg
> See? This is all a dumb conspiracy theory, can't take it seriously, let's get back to impeaching Orange man!
THINK. Think it through. VERIFY
So these scans of a supposed SDIG came from a Russian site, OP provides no link to the site when posting, then we get a link to help us figure out the watermark, but we need to translate it?
Has anyone checked to see if it is even the right letterhead?
Clearly not
It's not the right letterhead
Compared it to previous documents/publications from this office?
Clearly not
Quit being gullible lazy faggots and VERIFY with a little bit of effort