Please - look at the official documents linked here: >>/13956/ The second is to Congress, the first is a declassified report.
Note the letterhead, the headers & footers (with page #s), the font, the structure (outline, headings, subheadings).
Compare those -or any other official document from the SDIG office to what was posted here from the Russian site, which purports to be a brief to Congress, which would be an official document.
Think it through for a moment.
Do you really think that the letterhead, structure, formatting and font are all the sudden going to change? Government doesn't work like that. The documents from the Russian site look nothing like actual SDIG official documents.
> I didn't see any "actual documents" posted FOR ME. What do you mean?
I posted links to actual official SDIG documents and the website itself here >>/13956/ for (you) and all anons to see for yourselves.
I would absolutely love it if the documents were real. But basic logic, minimum due diligence shows that they aren't.
That is a really weird argument to make.
You don't have to work for the federal government to look at prior and current documents and compare them to what was posted.
> You think we buy the paper pre-printed with letterhead?
I think that should say it all, right there.
> This is business letter format, which is seal top left, recipients underneath.
It's not a business letter. It is supposedly a brief/report to Congress. The format no header/footer/page numbers, totally different format, a font the SDIG doesn't use...
> pre-printed letter heads on paper
I've never worked for a business that doesn't. It's not like the USgovt prints the initial page off of an inkjet/laserjet! Dept/Agency letterhead are ordered en masse and in the stockroom of each office, just like with Congress.