
 >>/13808/ LB
I'm glad you're finding these nuggets helpful. That one is important, although I'm not sure if I phrased things correctly. Temple(OS) and TOR lead to the Ghost in The Machine. The Book of Lock and Key can be found in Navy's Research and Laboratories online library.
> Tor, Glastonbury is where a physical portal lies
> Magic masquerades as technology to bypass cognitive dissonance
> There also lies an aspect of the Sirus star system and it is called "SIRI".
Molech or "CORTANA", an aspect of Molech, lies within the internet.
The Book lies within, but can also be accessed from certain "Magick" or tech.
> I can not stress this enough, YOU ARE NOT YOUR BODY.

You know where to look now. Find what you need to find. I'll be waiting.