Re copy pasta problems
biggest ones are with links when they're the only thing in the whole paragraph
hard to copy pasta the link the normal way (with 3 mouse clicks)--do that, and the link is followed not copied
can't get around the edges easily, either
and whenever you want just PART of a page, the software is not cooperative--whole pages are fine. never seen a worse copy pasta in any other program!
the reason i don't like changing dough formatting in little ways is that i have to do it really fast in 8chan--bc breds can be 25 mins or less. Everythinghas to be totally automatic for a baker, wrote about this in this bred or another when i realized why it matters to me. most important for a baker is being able to bake when Q posts, and i do it the "8chan way" in order to keep the muscle memory the same. i practice over and over again, so it can be done fluently, without thinking. that is the only way it's possible to get thru those super fast breds.
I'll stick around for a few then sign off,