There's a site out there that will do a sampling and extrapolate actual tweet count, less subject to suppression.
I think it was referenced a few times in the last thread, but I don't remember.


Twitter pro-tip: You can get around the suppression pretty easily. Just search on the hash tag, and leave the tab open. Check back in 10 minutes, it will tell you how many new messages, multiply by 6 and you've got the average rate per hour, divide by 10 and you've got the average rate per minute. Or do a 60 minute sampling, whatever. But there are tools out there constantly ingesting via the api, so will provide a quicker number and include historical.

Sucks especially for #qanon. My sampling suggests there's about 2500 posts per day on a nothingburger day.

Ed Buck happened while nobody was there, and stayed up for a good 8 hours. Then, it went away for about 10 minutes. Some people did something. Then, it came back, but without the number of tweets score (it was easily top).