hmmm....i'm not enough of a graphicsfag to be of much help, sorry. But one thing i do know is that the programming in this website is not as robust as in 8chan. Same with the design--just kinda rough around the edges, a lot of little glitchy things--like the copypasta i was complaining about earlier, just not easy to work with. Or the integration of text and graphics--it's clumsy. Only thing i like better is how you can have large mp4 files (150mgs compared to 15mgs, i think), have both graphics and mp4's in the same post, and red text on the same line as text. Also nice that they have staff that actually respond to Global Reports. 

But for normal stuff, not so much--the local time option used to work and still doesn't even tho i sent in a report a coupla wks ago. you also can't put markup around a link unless you leave a space between the markup and the text--weird. So it's an ok platform but has kind of a neglected (or unfunded) feel about it. Still, it's great that it even exists. Makes me appreciate 8chan even moar than b4.