The losers like the mayor of Portland or Minneapolis are part of the same corrupt system.
They know it's over, but they are heartless and sick people, so they're going to throw every hail mary shot they can to hurt as many people and make the transition to light as painful as possible.

We must strive to follow the example of someone such as Martin Luther King Jr.
Fighting them in the streets, "Proud Boys" george soros controlled opposition, exploiting laws, cancel culture... all these things, if we use these tactics we are no better than the enemy we are fighting.
We much practice non-violence and forgiveness, as much as possible.
Violence and hate will only be met with more violence and hate.
Peace, love, faith, and most of all: always winning, these are the ways we will change their hearts.

When your whole life is dedicated to being outraged, to consume, to be popular, or whatever else the media uses to control you, it takes a long time to learn how to take back control of your life.

Imagine someone had a serious injury when they were a child, and they never learned to walk; they were wheelchair bound. Now imagine that there is some great advancement in medicine, and we fix their injury.
Well, they can't just get up and walk after that, they need to go through therapy.
If you were assigned to help this person learn to walk, having already learned yourself, which do you suppose would be more effective?
  1. Yelling at them to just get up and walk, and flouting that you already have control of your legs - how stupid they must be to not walk!
  2. Nurture them lovingly. Show how much better life can be when you choose to get up and walk around. Offer help at their pace. Stand by to catch them as they try to walk along the rail.
