You are very welcome! I helped to save numerous SCTM InstaGram accounts and it was creepy as hell. I've seen many of Rachel Chandlers' posts (fashion/modeling) and tbqh it made me sick with a knot in my stomach for days. I'm not sure that sticking with fashion-scene fuckery will help POTUS with his impeachment or major policy pushes right at the moment, though - not to say it's not worthwhile but maybe not a high priority today.

> would rather like 4chan dig 
I like that, too - deep digs, a lot of relevant info (sauced) that we can choose to develop further or let go and focus on a different aspect of that topic/person dig

As for relevant research topics, I would follow the lead of POTUS and his people - We've got a lot on Biden & Hunter in Ukraine, I kept he info on Romania dug 2 nights ago, but that hasn't been really analyzed or memed yet. 

The "Where's Hunter" is a good meme topic because it keeps the pressure on Biden, the mockingbirds & the DNC - we've already forced him to admit he DID talk to his son about "international business" proving his own lie. I think they want us to keep the pressure on (we'll eviscerate Warren when the time comes). 

Also, POTUS really needs support for bringing the troops home, getting out of #EndlessWar #Turkey #Syria - memes that our guys can use with those hashtags for maximum exposure & reach.

We are all here to help, any way we can.

I must shamefully admit that though I've been here from the beginning, I've never used that site. I use the old git-hub Q post scraper designed by original QCodefag (I never liked qmap.pub because I don't need titles, but I do need the actual post# for the spreadsheet). I will check out that site, it seems I've really been missing out!

> dig-buns
I may have been that anon, kek! 
Am glad people are still open to it here, really it's very, very helpful.
>  it was really helpful, we just kept tagging the older buns and listing them in newer posts.
It works really well for people who want to add to a dig or comment on something already found, more targeted, more streamlined, saves time.

> formatting
This is key - used judiciously (ahem) it can be very effective, and if used fairly consistently and usefully, it catches on. You start looking for posts beginning X digg 2/2 or whatever - really helps anons to keep track as we go along, too. Not a 'rule' but it starts catching on because it works for everyone. And yea, bakers need all our help!

> Organic
That's really key. There are things Q can't spell out, not because of NATSEC but he said point blank at least once that it has to be organic. Anons as an organic, amorphous, ever-changing group that are many nationalities, ages and types are not only uncontrollable and unmanageable but unstoppable. That's the way we work naturally, and that's what actually works for us. That's why we cannot ever be controlled or managed in a top-down manner - people won't participate in that way.

> It's all spontaneous and on-the-fly, but very, very effective. 
That's why they really had to shut down 8ch. We are very, very effective - and that's not even considering what others take from our work and run with on their own!! Or maybe that was part of it, come to think of it...

We won't talk about my attempted baking disaster heheh

> how resourceful anons can be.
That's part of the special magic. So many different people with different backgrounds & resources all voluntarily working together coalesce and WING IT, with all the resources pooled, we create amazing output with no funding, ostensible plausible deniability, and are a resource for some talking heads and typingmonkeys out there!

It is such an honor to be a part of this. I was never patriotic before. I was blackpilled and jaded, shitposting on 4/pol/ watching the world burn and laughing at it all. I have done a 180 and here I am. To the end.
