Dig topic mini-bun
Bidens, General (may have overlap Ukraine/Romania)
>>/13564/ The Bidens: A Family of Crime - A small collection of their infamosity
>>/14044/, >>/14046/, >>/14048/, >>/14049/, >>/14079/ Hunter Biden's dealings with shadowy companies
>>/14054/ Change of Narrative to get in front of it: Biden changes story about talking to his son
>>/13570/ Guiliani on Hannity: "Next for Joe Biden - Watch Romania!"
>>/13621/ An Initial Look at Biden's Romanian Connections
>>/13920/ It's not just Popoviciu: Interview with Romanian MEP on Dems' dealings in "vassal states"
>>/13384/ Ukrainian MP Press Conference Biden took $900k for lobbying
>>/13522/ (link), >>/13525/ (video), >>/13719/, >>/13726/ (screenshots) Ukraine Scandal Explained - Biden, Soros, DNC collusion (by Glen Beck
>>/13853/, >>/13854/, >>/13855/, >>/13894/, >>/14015/ Drop of documents re. Biden & Burisma + sauce & verification
>>/14079/ Biden's quid pro quo exposed 3/2018, decent timeline
>>/14072/ Hunter Biden's connections mapped on LittleSis.org
Edward V. Szofer
>>/14051/, >>/14056/, >>/14058/ Edward V. Szofer: Only involved or at the helm in Bidens' Pay for Play?
>>/14052/, >>/14060/, >>/14073/ Edward V. Szofer (see above), Pt. 2
>>/14119/ What SenecaGlobal appears to do is ‘deal with the deployment of BYOD’
Mini-bun assembled at post >>/141125/
(which has nothing to do with topic but good round #)
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