Ok, thank you. >>/15388/
> You can't just attack people with red pills: if it conflicts too much with their world view, they will disregard it immediately
That's why the softly-softly sneaky-sneaky approach works best with some people. Use psychology.
> Its easier to fool a man than convince him he's been fooled
Nobody likes being fooled. Once we realize we've been fooled, we can stoke that righteous anger. But on the path towards convincing he's been fooled, it needs to  their idea originating inside themselves. To do that we have to use friendly faces of their in-group, phrases & lingo that mean something to them, etc. Essentially, to give them permission to think differently (they are inherently group-think oriented, they won't step outside what they perceive to be the boundaries of acceptable thought)

> Truth as a weapon
> Truth is a weapon
> Truth is the most powerful weapon there is

> Should give him a bowl of corn pops
Frankly a little diappointed 4/pol/ hasn't located him yet and ordered massive amount of corn pops to his current location yet.

This may be a long shot, but if it was on a thread where Q posted, that thread is guaranteed archived on the main spreadsheet - every thread Q posted in is archived (also you can save the thread offline):
It's in order, earliest Q posts at the top, so scroll down to the very bottom.
No guarantee, but hope that helps.