> Or do you think the Demon Rat party will survive, just with a whole new base?

Basically this
I def don't see them all miraculously waking up to the party plantation system like a switch got thrown...
but I have no idea which faction is going to win out
-traditional lib (vastly preferable for the country imo)
-sjw et. all (I cant help shake the suspicion that these are a vanishingly small percentage of the actual democrat base, and are merely focused on ad-nauseam)

re: Repubs
> Thing is, most all of the "bad guys" are also ones that are involved in all this treason and crimes against children.

Your absolutely right
if the dems DO fall apart fatally
and we are left with conservatives or... conservatives
I see things fracturing along the neo-con/ true patriot fault line
and we end up with two di-posed parties once more

just some rando thoughts from this anon
