Even at the start the very way it's structured does not encourage cooperative digs. Such limited graphics capabilities, no way to get upvoats on anon forums, and the difficulty having conversations you can track. Late situation is the same on endchan, but i don't focus on it here bc 8chan is coming back and anons can find ways around the comms problem using personal icons or roles (e.g., "Biden Romania  digger") to id themselves if they feel the need. Or in my case, a tripcode. (Tripcode are for baking business, BO asks bakers to use. But what happens is that it's hard to get rid of it, you must constantly delete stuff from name and email fields, so you end up with many posts having either a tripcode, black type or both. Pretty easy to track for better or worse.  Or if yr a baker you can just say so if relevant to the discussion. So conversations aren't quite as hard as you'd think here, unlike voat. 

I understand that Jim's had other platforms with stuff that was "erotica" although i don't know the exact content. Not illegal but maybe too much for people with, uh, delicate sensibilities?

Spend months researching education and found a crapload of materials going back to the early 19th century. They're really playing the "long game" on this one. Teachers are the last line of defense bc most care about students and resist all the new brainwash stuff at every turn. That's why they get villainized. Same thing that habbened to bakers on QR--were attacked proactively ("bakers union"!!!) bc they would have stood in the way of a coup by BO/BVs, which most ultimately did. (Even the ones who continued on were trying to subvert the "new order," albeit unsuccessfully until Q said "revert."). Bakers represent board  infrastructure and the "old order" (longtime traditions of the board). Inherently conservative function.