Behold a Pale Horse , secret treaty of Verona chapter.

One of Coopers most important points
Author's  Note:  Anyone  who  believes  that  the  monarchs,  after  being  deposed,  forgave      and      forgot,      is      not      playing      with      a      full      deck.      Most  of  these  families  are  wealthy  beyond  belief  and  may  be  more  powerful  today  than  when  they  sat  upon  thrones.  Today  they  are  known  collectively  as  the  Black  Nobility.  Just  because  the  secret  treaty  of  Verona  was  signed  in  1822  does  not  mean  that  the  treaty  is  void.  It  is  imperative  that  you  realize  that  privately,  the  Black  Nobility  refuses  to  ever  recognize  any  government  other  than heir own inherited and divine right to rule. They work diligently behind   the   scenes   to   cause   conditions   whereby   they   might   regain   their   crowns.   They believe that the United States belongs to England.