(Gematria all English)
Left column = FNG MNN = 68 = Barack Obama
First paragraph = F N T MILLIONS V P = 181 = Barrack Hussein Obama
(double-confirm on border established)

Second paragraph = N WHERE IS HUNTER BIDEN = 211 = Running out of time / I know your secret / Satanic ritual sacrifice / I see everything too / Riding on a white horse

Got several possibilities that align with #1

(stars mark alignment with #1 and #2)
Third: G LIMITED W H T = 130 = Washington / George W Bush (*) / Television / White Horse (*) / Knowingly (*) / Human Sacrifice (*) / Sexual Abuse (*) / Silver Fox (Bush's mother) / War is over

Several hits.


First bullet: M USA U C = 78 = Pizza / October / Brexit / Kennedy / Repent / Archons / Left Eye /

Second bullet: N P E R = 53 = End Day (*) / Be Best / Legacy / Killed (*) / Womb / Deceive / Red Flag / Knew (*) / Cops (#)

Hmm.. may have to revisit the above.

Last bullet: N A W R = 56 = Light / ISIS (*) / The End (*) / Attack (*) / Molech (*) (alt-spelling of Moloch) / Down (*) / Wise (*) / Shell / Flames / Cult (*) / Cannibal (*) / Fear GOD (*)

Bottom paragraph (bullets): M USA U C N P E R N A W R = 187 = Transdimensional / Ultimate Fantasy (*) / George Washington (*) / The LORD Has Arrived (*) / Learn to read Gematria (kek) / Whatever it takes / When you're ready / Evil Black President (*) / Can you see it, too? / The Rapture Comes (*) / Brotherhood of Death (*) / Saturn Death Cult (*) / The LORD Shall Reign (*) / Rain Fire From The Sky (*) / The Power Of Light / Antichrist Family (*) / Human Enslavement (*) / You Can't Stop Me (*)

Just some basic notes thus far, have only confirmed the top line with top paragraph.
Probably more here.
Probably some things missing.
Lot of associations with Obama and related perverts/satanists.

Any autists here?