LB call for list
Excellent idea to track livingstreaming of violent/illegal acts. Would be interested in staying in touch with anyone who wants to do this.
i track anti-Q/8chan articles & put out a report every 2 months, mostly recently on VOAT for Sept 1. (b4 I found this site).
Voat link:
Since many anons can't access this, here is the key links you need to access article database that definitely includes material on other sites that livestream shootings.
1. Full report summary:
2. 1350 articles by AUTHOR:
3. 1350 articles by PUB:
4. 1350 articles by DATE:
5. Article timeline thru August 2019 (PDF):
6. Total number of MSM platforms in descending order (PDF):
Will post the cumulative report thru Oct 31 2019 the first week of Nov on QRB (QResearch Bunker) on if it is up or here if it is down. It also gets posted on Information Warfare thread in QRB.
Would like to see this info posted there, as well. Can be reached thru that thread once it's operational, i check in there regularly.
ALSO: searched on "live-streaming" in, than used control-f to find the subset under "shooting"; there are 25 or so relevant entries