May I suggest memes to express simply how deeply betrayed we are.


U.S. Sovereignty — Fact or Fiction?
The Executive, Judicial and Legislative Branches of the U.S. Govern- ment have followed the policy that the United Nations Treaty approved under the U.N. Participation Act of 1945 in behalf of the United States of America by Harry S. Truman and the United States Senate, which treaty supersedes the United States Constitution under the terms of Article VI of the United States Constitution.The Council of Foreign Relations created the United Nations. Their member agents, Alger Hiss and Leo Pasvolsky did the paperwork, but the honors went to a special committee appointed by President Roosevelt to draw the first draft of the Charter.The members of the Committee were: Sumner Wells, Isaiah Bowman, Hamilton Fish Armstrong, Benjamin Cohen, and Clark Eichelberger — all members of the Council on Foreign Relations and members of a secret Order of the Quest called the JASON Society.The Charter was rushed through the U.S. Senate without printed copies to guide the Senators: it was EXPLAINED to them by Russian-born revolutionary Leo Pasvolsky.The Charter conferred no real power on the General Assembly; all the power was in the Security Council where the VETO was. The SenateChapter ThirteenTreason in High Places• 241would not have ratified the Charter except that the American delegation had a right to VETO if our interests were threatened by action of other members.Included in this Charter was and is ARTICLE 25: "Member nations agree to ACCEPT and CARRY OUT the decisions of the Security Council in accordance with the PRESENT CHARTER/'No restrictions, no reservations. This is ALL of Article 25. Note the word "present," indicating that there might be OTHER charters. The VETO was a hindrance to World Government — it had to be circumvented.In 1950 the General Assembly, without any legal authority, met and adopted what they named the "UNITING FOR PEACE" RESOLUTION. This, greatly expanded since that time, permitted THE GENERAL AS- SEMBLY to EXERCISE THE POWERS OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL. I bet you didn't know that. The Government of the United States recognizes the illegally amended Charter as the "law of the world," overriding our Constitution. " ( Coopers Pale Horse book , pp. 240 )