> how to make Q-related boards more effective sources of info via better content and presentation
would take a book
but have been working on this as digger, mostly done via example, e.g.:
- include details (authors/dates)
- cite relevant qresear.ch refs
- call out fake research (phony stats, msm material, fake studies)
- tie text to graphics ("see cap 1")
- call out main ideas with bold, etc.
- encourage descriptions in noms
>>/15830/ (you)
Ok, let's look at the situation on 8chan b4 takedown.
> no direction, no focus, nothing to do but lurk.
Direction comes from current & previous Q; also POTUS, news
Keep most anons very busy.
> no reviews in the dough
reviews of what?
anons nom notables--that's a review
they also critique other anons' analyses & bakers' notables
> no dynamic dough
Dough in QR/QRB is actually quite dynamic
Stable but flexible
Traditionally, dough changes are suggested by anons
Then made by bakers
Cooperative relationship when there is trust (QRB)
> "the plan"
there are many plans by many anons
we each have our interests & priorities
anons post in multiple places