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When POTUS announced sending a few troops to the border (south) I was very very excited because I knew what he was seeing and could see what he planned to do. If you remember, that was also around the last time he tried to remove our boys from the ME. That was also picked up by the neocons/uniparty/israel-first/MIC/FP faggots and their mockingbirds and freakout ensued (maybe when another fake 'chemical weapons zomg assad bombed hiz own peepul' happened so he had to be judicious and take smaller steps. I figured other things were not in line yet.

Well here we are. POTUS is a fighter, he thrives in an adversarial situation and apparently many ducks are in their places in the row and he's proceeding with withdrawing troops (we know it's serious this time because Turkey has acted). Obviously, our troops are needed home, and if you remember the odd military order issued from a few threads ago, they are needed here for a very good reason (assistance with LE, protect POTUS, uphold their oaths to the Constitution). Since it is an actual official MIL order, we know it is serious.

This is the real reason for the recent judicial ruling in TX  >>/16079/ They are desperate to stop it, and since is using workarounds (totally Constitutional, they will fail on appeal) they are getting skeerd. They know the literal and symbolical power of the wall.

They are being outmatched, outclassed, and if you pay attention, out-maneuvered at every step.

About 1.5 years ago /they/ started to really realize how many traps they had sprung, and so many of those 'victories' were Pyrrhic indeed. It's too late - they can't change (large) plans, they are locked into a particular (failing) strategy; they can only try different tactics now, but like our pathetic shills, are not actually creative at all. They still operate on the assumption of a now-discarded rulebook. POTUS is not following their 'rules' and they are floundering, flailing wildly about, lashing out this way and that, hoping some spaghetti sticks to the wall, or some mud sticks to POTUS.

It won't.

Our main task is to learn, digest, reassess what we (think we) know, extrapolate forward, reassess again and review. What we learn has to be condensed into a small format that normies can understand because they sure as hell won't get the truth elsewhere (including paytriots and the large amounts of scallawags and charlatans out there who presume to dispense 'truth' to their followers whether in a building on Sunday or online, in books or seminars).

We are up for the task, we've done pretty damn well thus far: no budget, no special sekrit access, no structure, no hierarchy, no organization. Just pure autism and burning desire to learn, to know, for truth, to save and for true justice and freedom.

I don't find it bleak or upsetting or nerve-wracking at all. On the contrary - it's more exhilarating than anything else I've participated in or experienced. It's an honor, it's humbling, it's infuriating, it's tedious, it's confusing and frustrating and fucking awesome. I wouldn't trade these experiences for all the money in the world.