repost from turkey thread

Anon Collected Notables - Turkey

> #turkey #syria
 >>/11655/ turkey invading seria
 >>/14219/ turkey next biden/kerry scandal
 >>/14936/ turkey bombed our forces
 >>/15031/ US Special Forces in Syria 'mistakenly' bombed by Turkey
 >>/15136/ Also, POTUS really needs support for bringing the troops home, getting out of #EndlessWar #Turkey #Syria - memes that our guys can use with those hashtags for maximum exposure & reach
 >>/15167/ there is a CNN Turkey, and the way they portray the Syrian Kurds
 >>/15281/ apparently, Turkey is next.
 >>/15321/ (you) ukrine romainia pelosi xbiden turkey
 >>/15338/ (you) >analticfags u got ur orders (are we on track is the term biden, romainia, turkey occuring more often here atm? say last 24-48 hours. socialfags still need those meme call outs: ur meme, likes, shares, comment
 >>/15371/ Guess everybody remembers the fuss about Turkey buying S-400s and being kicked out of the F-35 program in return.
 >>/16137/ this time because Turkey has acted)
 >>/14219/ George "Big Pappa" dop o less - Look at turkey, ignore the rest of the noise
 >>/16458/ Donald Trump Drives Home Urgency to End ‘Never Ending Wars’ in Emotional Speech
 >>/16491/ Pentagon: Up to 1,000 U.S. Troops to Withdraw from Northern Syria
 >>/16527/ #Turkey (3K), #Syria (3.6 K)
 >>/16582/ (you) 10) When twatting about things in the news: USE SIMPLE HASHTAGS. Yesterday: #Turkey was a total winner. #Syria as well.
 >>/16606/ (you) turkey/kurds/syria/ pelosi/biden/tliab/shummer/romney/
 >>/16639/ Potus Turkey Tweets
 >>/16644/ The Kurds and Turkey have been fighting for many years. (sounds shilly)
 >>/16656/ Turkey has asked that it not be done.
 >>/16667/ Choice is theirs. (Turkey)
 >>/16781/ (you) Turkey, WE are watching, dont mess up
 >>/16784/ Who leads Turkey?
 >>/16788/ If Turkey falls into chaos, who will be blamed in America?
 >>/16806/ (you) Can u hear it now. Turkey...
 >>/16837/ everyones at pelosi notables dump thread with eyes on turkey
 >>/16845/ Turkey and the Kurds must not let them escape