> Hi baker, how are ya doing? Missed last night round of drinks. Can i get in on it tonight??
somehow I am exceedingly busy
and yet very calm and content
jovial even
I think all this winning is getting to me -kek
cant get me down
was it you drinking rum 'n coke a few nights back?
if not, whadlya' have?
> sharing responsibilities
I really appreciate your input on this matter
you have INVALUABLE experience in this regard
as a new baker, your insights have been a wealth of information
we all work better when we understand out role (self chosen, of course -but its nice to know EXACTLY what you are choosing -kek)
thank you for all that you do
and thank you for speaking truthfully and honestly, even when you know it may ruffle feathers
this kind of open dialogue is essential to the discovery of Truth in all matters
Let me get that drink order now