Understand. You were replying to the poster who spoke of bakers as a "vector of sabotage"?

The think is, calling a baker a "clown" is not a joke. Nobody who baked on QR from Mar - July will put up with it. Not after what we went thru. 

BO on QR wanted bakers gone and he got his wish. About half left within 2 months. Nobody new wanted to bake, why would they? Those who remained had to ghost many breds. And no one would bake at night, due to midnight shill attacks.

All anons should learn to bake--if for no other reason than to understand what it is and is not. But very few will. Movement of thousands of people and less than 30 bakers total, maybe 15 who bake full-time.

Anons, lLearn to bake, e-bake, or note-take. There's nothing more valuable you can give to a board like this.