thumbnail of false q.png
thumbnail of false q.png
false q png
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They may have a new tactic, or we may have one of the best larpers on 4chan.  Someone posted in a thread earlier today claiming to be Q.  Four posts, all similar in style to Q, and claiming that they were restarting comms.  Some of the thread fell for it.  

If it's a larper/shiposter, he got his kicks.

If it is them, then they've decided to divide and distract by creating a very similar fake Q.  By saying they're recreating comms, they're trying to pull everyone away from infinity, and back to the chaos of 4chan.  (Not that chaos is bad.)

Trip: Q Clearance Patriot !!Q2i46jQnznt
ID: AKzwOIi7

Pic related are the four posts by this supposed Q.