>>/18371/ >ty anon shif thread updated  with miniboom 07

Adam Shiff  >>/18339/
Adam Shiff  >>/18339/
Adam Shiff  >>/18339/
Adam Shiff  >>/18339/

MEMERS review. generate what u can

INTEL review. generate more intel (review others intel).

GRAMMAR check the notables  >>/75/ for more intel drops. add to shiff thread.
also see if you can gather more intel drops from previous breads too.
*reminder gather more shiff notables and drop off in shiff thread (cats ebeware kek)

SCRAPPERS can grab pertinent shiff memes last few breads
drop in shiff thread for social.

SOCIALS keep eye on shiff thread for updated shiff memes and notables (ammo) to use.
review last few threads for shiff memes [lying to congress, whistleblower, nancy collusion]

> This Means War!