Great meme material below in Biden's speech at debate.

Think listening to it was confusing, try reading it below.
BTW - there are NO typos, I typed it exactly as it was spoken.

"No,look, demonizing the wealthy, I uh,what I talked about is how you get things done.  And the way to get things done is take a look at the tax code right now.  The idea that we have to start rewarding work not just wealth,  I would eliminate the Capital Gains Tax. That in I would, I would raise the Capitol Gains Tax to the highest ra rate to 39.5%.  I would double it. Because, guess what, why in God's name should someone who is clipping coupons in the Stock Market make in fact pay a lower tax rate than someone who in fact is uh like I said a   a school teacher and a firefighter. That's ridiculous and they pay a lower tax".
(looks down at notes) " Secondly, the idea that, in fact, we engage in this notion that there are one point...there's one trillion six hundred forty dollars in tax loop holes.  You can't justify a minimum of six hundred billion dollars of that!  We can eliminate it all.  I could go into detail had I a time".  
"Secondly, duh, I mean thirdly, what we need to do, is we need to go out and make it clear to the American people, that we are going to, we are going to raise taxes on the wealthy,  we are going to reduce tax burdens on those who are not.  This is one of the reasons why these debates are kind of crazy,  Because everybody tries to squeeze everything into every    answer    that    is given,  The fact is everybody is right about the fact that the Fourth Industrial Revolution is costing jobs,  It is,  The fact is also corporate greed if they're going back, they are not investing in their employees, they are reinvesting in buying back their stock"! 
