I seriously think the real issue here could be the Rapture and the End Times. The harvest of the Earth comes when the crop is ready. The elites want that the crop is never ready, because that way they think they can stay on top in luxury indefinitely and avoid all the disasters prophesied. And if the disasters cannot be averted, the elites are going to try to survive to the next cycle in their deep underground bunker cities built to withstand a comet impact.
In Genesis the first humans were commanded to multiply and fill the earth. This could be a hint that the harvest time is when the world population or inhabited land area reaches some critical amount. The total world population will soon reach the awesome digits of 7,777,777,777, which is a possible dividing line. The gospel has also been preached pretty much to every nation in the world, including Sentinel Island if last year's event counts despite lack of a common language.