Sounds like a sociopathic narcissist. Continually misjudges what people really want to hear from him. He did not say, my son should not have been involved. He says when l am president my son won’t be involved, like that settles the matter about Joe, not Joe’s quid pro, not his own overtaking a government.
I fantasize, more or less wonder if, Joe began his career as a whore, ( we have seen him offer up his servitude to the highest bidder for the opportunity to be a politician). Over the decades, he lost his wife, child and grown son. Did deep state take them out to teach Joe how he must be obedient to his masters?
If this is the scenario, is Joe really an idiot behind the mic, repeatedly misstepping statements. Is Joe under great duress from the masters, or is Joe the tool playing the fool and to get a pass because he is aged and not mentally stable?
Or does Joe have another plan, expose his masters. Through careful hints to the Trump team, DOJ, etc.
Last night at the debate, he was having trouble putting a sentence together. I don't believe he would do that accidentally. Note also we have no new pics of him sniffing children or women.