Schumer doesn't really give a fuck about ISIS, they aren't going to attack his real country (Israel).
The conundrum is that Turkey is a NATO country. The US has not declared war on anyone, including ISIS because Congress has totally abdicated that responsibility. Continuing 'authorizations for military use of force' are not the same, and as POTUS is CiC, he can move troops to wherever he damn well pleases, even back home to our porous borders. But POTUS knows not only the PNAC & Yinon plans, but the Grand Chessboard as well. He knows they basically set him up in what they figured would be a Catch-22: stay and be mired in unwinnable conflicts, bleeding our forces dry while making lots of $$ for their arms-dealer friends (and fundraisers!) or "cut and run/handing the ME over to muh Russhah!" that they thought they could use to ruin him. They really didn't think he'd order the troops out. Like they thought she would win.
Many of them are beholden to MIC -including foreign arms dealers who they *cannot let down* and up to their own eyeballs in other shady shit in Ukraine (and ME countries). Their panic is real and so is their desperation - see: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/john-bolton-hero-resistance-or-traitor
It's worth the read because it applies not only to Bolton.