Did you find any other confirmations?
There is never just one thing. Everything is prone to single association.
If this was a message, the outfit choice would likely be the confirmation to something else; words would align with the outfit to confirm a message.
Without that, it's a nothing burger.
Watch this:
< Green Dress = Evergreen = Hilldawg's SS code name
< Gold "bullet bracelet" = Calling out a "hit" on Evergreen
See how easy single association is? That's why we have confirmations.

>  What liberal females would wear that?
Leftists dye their hair green and have their buttholes popping out of g-strings 30 sizes too small.
Do you equate them to having a strong sense of fashion?
Pelosi is a raging alcoholic. Probably stumbled into this dress and tried to sleep off the hangover on her way to work.