>   >>/18915/ (you)
>  So are the shill bakers gonna run 8kun?
>  NO.
>  There's lots anons can do to challenge shilly baking.
>  first, watch and see what's going on when site comes back. check the vibe, check what oldfags are saying (the smart ones). stay grounded if you want to be effective observers. Please don't start crying 'shill baker' at the drop of a hat, only shills do that.
>  second, check out posts by BO and BVs. Ask questions if something bothers you. Be direct and specific. DO NOT accept at face value anything negative this team says about bakers or so-called bakers unions. Think "mirror," just as with the MSM. (Previously, @fj did everything possible to show that regular bakers were shills and tried to discredit them 'by any means necessary'. Bakers aren't perfect but that are patriots.)
>  third, consider the possibility that there has been a shift in attitude on the part of BO @fj and crew. It's been 10 weeks. Things happen, people change. I can't say i'd ever trust this crew again but if they have any regrets, might be possible to push them to resign.
>  fourth, learn to bake if you can--it will vastly increase your ability to judge what's going on.
>  fifth, see what happens during ghost breds--who picks them up and what they do with them (shills sometimes pick up breds late at night to create problems). If you know how to bake, you can start a non-shill bred.
>  sixth, don't accuse anybody of anything without real, tangible evidence of fuckery--way too much of that already.
>  seven, get to know who the regular bakers are so you know when there's an unknown baker baking. Many unknowns are spot bakers tho--not shills. Look at their work to see if they are trustworthy, by their fruits....
>  eight, if you're still dissatisfied, state your opinion directly to Q team--but only if you've done your homework.
>  nine Pray incessantly. Nothing can stop the Will of God.