badge-new-BAKER png
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Hard to forget--and it wasn't over as of Aug 2. Posted on it yesterday--
It is my sincere wish that current QR board crew of BO/BVs are acting in good faith at this point, but anons must watch closely--without suspicion but with discernment. Do not rush to judgment but do be aware of what takes place on the board. "See something, say something."
The problem with asking people to watch is that shills always push for a rush to judgment, thereby division-fagging. Solution is to know enough about how the board is supposed to work to collect appropriate evidence, both pro and con, and compare. That's one reason for learning to bake--increases yr understanding of the board so much. Not the only way, but probably the quickest.
> We've had notables here
Yeah--like every bred. One way or another, we scrape thru. But this is likely to end at some point, perhaps quite soon. Sometimes ya just need to let go--bakers, too.