We memed Trump into office, considered impossible. No boss, no hiearchy, no org chart, no one giving us orders, micro-managing our days for us, demanding charts delivered weekly on how many posts per topic in each thread.

Anons self-organize. It is part of being anon. We cannot be corralled or controlled or squeezed into little time frames or pinned into place on an org chart.

What is happening here is NOT self-organization, it is someone trying to organize us into a business-model org chart.

I can't believe this even needs to be explained, much less repeatedly. And that is only 1 reason the ONLY 2 bakers there were just left. The resistance to letting go and letting anons self-organize is self-defeating: making a detailed pyramid type business-model org chart, assigning roles, wanting reports on Friday is not working is it?

Has anyone agreed to do any of these externally-created roles? 
Not one.
All the bakers left.
No one wants to be BOs employee.

Why? The answer is so blindingly obvious and has been stated repeatedly.

I believe BO has a good heart and it's in the right place, and really cares. But holy shit, let go of the boss-giving-orders and micro-managing. It's not working, it won't ever work with anons, it will kill your board and then what will all that effort you put into it be for?

The bakers ALL left because of this. The lack of trust and micro-managing drove them off. Your approach drove them off.

Anons can decide individually what and when to dig, what to meme and when to post them, when and what to contribute to a dig and when we can allocate time to something. We don't need to be managed at all, much less micro-managed and our day planned out for us.

Instead of stepping back and considering what productive people are telling, you, BO, you seem to be trying to get more and more detailed - down to planning out the hours of the day, which is the exact opposite of what productive people are telling you in the kindest way possible. No one has called you a dumb fucking nigger even once. (this doesn't count) I don't think you realize how restrained people have been with you over this.

If you want your board to be successful, and to bear good fruit from all the effort you have put into it, it is necessary to let anons go and do what we do, how we do it, when we do it and why we do it. It is a paradox that newfags/normalfags cannot fathom: the more chaotic it seems, the more organized and effective we are. White papers have been written about this - others cannot understand it, but anons do. We thrive in the chaos. Kek is the god of chaos (pls no religiousness about this, it's our egregore, leave it at that). People study us and our behavior but they will never understand. 

Our way is incredibly powerful and effective as we are.
We memed Trump into office. 
We can handle ourselves. 

In a whole lot less words, basically this.